[Secret Korea - Seoul] Ep. 23 Seongbuk-dong / YTN (Yes! Top News)

2017-11-15 7

In Seoul, there is a place you can find

the essence of traditional Korean culture.

Being filled with history

and culture at every corner,

the whole neighborhood will seem

like at museum in Seongbuk-dong.

The Korea Furniture Museum is located

in Seongbuk-dong at the foot of Bugak Mountain.

Once you enter, it will feel like

going back to the Joseon era

as all the buildings in this

special museum are 'Hanok'.

The 'Hanok', which are made similar to the ancient

palaces and houses, shows the dignity of tradition.

Just like the elegance of the exterior 'Hanok',

the furniture on display exude the beauty of Korean tradition.

Let's learn about the wood grains and the antique furniture

that still remain intact from an expert commentator.

The 'Dwiju' is a chest that was used to store grains.

The chest has been built sturdy like the 'Hanok'

to withstand weight and prevent moisture build-up.

Full of the 'Hanok' atmosphere,

the Korea Furniture Museum that radiates

the housing culture of Korea

with its simple furniture should not be missed.

If you walk 500m from the Korea Furniture Museum,

you will come upon another unique location.

Housing a collection of stone artifacts found

throughout Korea is the Korean Stone Art Museum.

As the patron saint of graves

and protector of villages,

these cute 'Dongja' statues were

also known to listen to your wishes.

Both countries will definitely

prosper like the wish, right?

In the outdoor exhibition,

you can see large Buddha statues

and sculptures that embraces the life of Korean ancestors,

which is brimming with the basic human desire to live

a long, healthy, comfortable, and happy life.

The quiet neighborhood of Seongbuk-dong

overlooks the city of Seoul.

As it is full of cultural treasures and museums,

why not experience traditional Korean culture

and art in a special way by visiting this area?

▶ 기사 원문 : http://www.ytn.co.kr/_sp/1209_201702071614500401
▶ 제보 안내 : http://goo.gl/gEvsAL, 모바일앱, 8585@ytn.co.kr, #2424

▣ YTN 유튜브 채널 구독 : http://goo.gl/Ytb5SZ

[ 한국 뉴스 채널 와이티엔 / Korea News Channel YTN ]

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